Taking care of your traffic ticket is easy, secure, and legal.
Thank you for the the great news! I appreciate you negotiating my two tickets. I will be taking care of the payment and I will notify you when I have paid.
Thanks again and I will definitely recommend you to future clients.
8/19/13 – Last week a Sunset Hills speed camera company conducted a study on I-70 to gather data about the feasibility of a speed camera for this stretch of the highway. The camera was posted at Jennings Station Road in the jurisdiction of Pine Lawn. This was just a test to gather data and no tickets were issued, but it appears to be laying the groundwork for speed cameras on I-70 through the travel safe zone.
8/20/13 – An Arnold man was arrested for a DWI yesterday in Miner, MO. His vehicle was found parked in a parking lot, but running. Police also found a large amount of narcotics in his vehicle.
8/20/13 – KSDK runs an article about contesting tickets in St. Ann.
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